Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Choice

Creating my short "The Choice" was a great experience and my first time using Final Cut Express in depth. Shooting the piece was a rather stressful experience since my partner and I were pressed for time and were unable to get the maximum quality out of our story. Even though we ran into that bump in the road the planning process helped a lot with everything. We knew what we had to shoot and even knew how we wanted things to be edited so the entire process overall was very smooth.
If i had the chance to do anything differently I would have mapped some of the scenes out better because some of the shots were a bit lengthy and it made for a lot of scenes to get cut in order to preserve time. The way to better prepare next time is to bring along the story board so that we can call out the shots instead of having to shoot in order as if we were doing an in camera edit. The parts that I liked was the entire editing process and adding special effects and using all the weird props we used. If I could change anything about it all is that I feel that I could've put more effort into the filming process and a little less time on the special effects. If there is anything new I have learned about making films thus far it has been that you need time, time, patience, and more time.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I think you did a very good job on this first piece. I agree that you could have spent more time shooting to balance out the editing. But this was not entirely you fault, as we only had one day to shoot.

