Saturday, June 5, 2010
Experimental Video
The ability to take something (video) and break every rule that it's built upon in order to create art. Dismantle and rebuild, dismember and re-assemble.
Save Me The Slunk
“If you find your truth, you must follow it. You could find it in a paper bag, or in a statue, or in a slaughterhouse; you might find it dangling somewhere. People might say, “What the heck are you doing?” But it’s OK if they don’t understand. And if you follow it, stay true to it, and respect it, you could be in store for the greatest journey you could ever imagine.” – Buckethead
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Choice
Creating my short "The Choice" was a great experience and my first time using Final Cut Express in depth. Shooting the piece was a rather stressful experience since my partner and I were pressed for time and were unable to get the maximum quality out of our story. Even though we ran into that bump in the road the planning process helped a lot with everything. We knew what we had to shoot and even knew how we wanted things to be edited so the entire process overall was very smooth.
If i had the chance to do anything differently I would have mapped some of the scenes out better because some of the shots were a bit lengthy and it made for a lot of scenes to get cut in order to preserve time. The way to better prepare next time is to bring along the story board so that we can call out the shots instead of having to shoot in order as if we were doing an in camera edit. The parts that I liked was the entire editing process and adding special effects and using all the weird props we used. If I could change anything about it all is that I feel that I could've put more effort into the filming process and a little less time on the special effects. If there is anything new I have learned about making films thus far it has been that you need time, time, patience, and more time.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Editing Analysis
"You talkin' to me?" In Matrin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" there is a scene in which the main character Travis Bickle is showing off in front of a mirror yielding his weapons. Throughout the scene Travis Bickle is starting to realize all the horrors in society and begins to alter his personality. To convey this emotional transition the cuts become more obvious. The camera remains on the 180 degree line the entire time and it shows Travis from multiple angles pulling out his gun and him talking into the mirror, and the continuity remains the same as Travis (Robert De Niro) never moves from the same general area and eyeline always matches so that you can tell he is looking at the same part. When Travis begins his inner monologue they use a jump cut to illustrate this change or new life Travis begins to live. It gives the entire a scene a frantic feeling. The shots are all organized in allowing the viewer to see this new Travis Bickle character as he has never been, very uncomfortable and distraught. The cuts are to help convey the characters feelings and gives off this experimental feeling the the scenes are put together. The camera angles go with the letter he is writing, in the the part that repeats itself twice jumpcut is used to show that Travis had made a mistake in his letter which you see later on in the film.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Relationship with Media
Media is everywhere, and is a large part of my everyday life. Everything from my Blog, Facebook, E-mail, television, and music tabs websites. Most of these sites are interactive as you are able to click on options and select activities, or actions you want to have done or do on the specific site. Blogs and social networking sites have user-generated content, they post small pieces of writing, video blogs, photos, and status updates, like a live journal. User-generated content gives the user the option of producing their own forms of media. I often use these sites to voice opinions on current events, things that happen in my life, or share stories with my friends and family. The reason why I visit these websites so often is because it is easier to keep in touch with friends and it's all free. I usually view a lot of videos on sites like Youtube, watch old videos of shows that i miss from when i was younger, check weather, find music, and read about my friends. So I view many different types of media daily. Showing how easily I can navigate these different sites shows how much i know the media I am viewing and producing. I have been using these sites probably early in their inception when they were still coming up sites and have been around to see many of them become more and more user friendly and easier to access to the point a small child can navigate the site. Sites have become simpler. My relationship with media is a ongoing relationship of love.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What I Hear
Walking in my neighborhood of Washington Heights located on the upper west side of Manhattan the term noise pollution comes to mind as you are constantly bombarded with the most dissonant of sounds. Everything from cabs honking their horns to get people or other cars out of their way--which you never hear in any other parts of the city. Somebody blasting god awful music inside of their apartment or car with the bass cranked up to such levels that you can barely decipher whether they re listening to a song or a live recording of a jet engine being crushed. And to accompany all of that you have the beautiful sound of passing traffic through the countless highways and bridges that sandwich the area on each side. One bridge leading to the Bronx, the other to New Jersey. Street merchants hustling their products, everything from bootleg shoes to blenders. On special occasions you can hear the bums arguing over nothingness around the corner or in between the buildings. Oh how I love it! Once a year . . . probably on your birthday or something like that you can actually hear birds chirping, trees aplenty, don't get me wrong its a beautiful area to live in visually, but if you are someone looking for piece and quite, run, run as fast as you can! Layer upon layer of noise to the point that when you get a chance at some silence you are unable to enjoy it because your ears are ringing as if you were front row at a the worlds longest death metal concert. It has gone to the point that it is impossible for any certain sound to phase you as you slowly learn to tune the world out via mp3 player or cell phone chatter.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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